Journalist Matt Taibbi dropped the sixth installment of the Twitter Files on Friday, showing the close relationship between the FBI and Twitter, with regular...
Category - Politics
Far-left Washington Post activist Taylor Lorenz was suspended from Twitter on Saturday night, with Elon Musk outlining the action came in relation to a “prior...
Officials in the City of El Paso, Texas have declared a state of emergency as border crossings have overwhelmed law enforcement personnel. Mayor Oscar Leeser...
Any opportunity to bash the unvaxxed, no matter how absurd the justification, is like catnip to the corporate media. They can’t resist. A study titled “COVID...
President Joe Biden claimed Friday that someone in his family won the Purple Heart for his actions during a famous battle in World War II — however, there is...
Former President Donald Trump declined to endorse either incumbent Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel or her challenger, RNC...
Sam Brinton, the disgraced non-binary Biden administration nuclear energy official who was arrested for stealing women’s luggage at airports, previously helped...
Within 24 hours of PJ Media sending an inquiry to Wendy Suares asking why the male student who beat up two girls in the girls’ bathroom that he was using in...
Dozens of House Democrats lined up behind legislation that would bar former President Donald Trump from holding office again. The bill, introduced Thursday by...
A man who describes himself as a lifelong New England Patriots fan is suing Tom Brady after he invested his entire life savings in the FTX crypto scheme...