Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2 star Bette Midler is encouraging women and girls to take a knee the next time “The Star-Spangled Banner” is played, in apparent protest...
Category - Politics
A new CNN poll should have Democrats quaking in their boots as they contemplate their strategy for the 2022 midterms. The poll, conducted after the leak of the...
For some revolutionaries, conventional language must go. Hence, America’s been served a generous dose of new terms over the past few years. And where words...
CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale made it clear on Monday that he wasn’t buying President Joe Biden’s claim that he had reduced the deficit. Amid record-setting...
Michigan’s investigation into whether post-election breaches of voting equipment took place has expanded. Last Friday, Michigan State Police seized a voting...
Joe Biden’s new Minister of Truth, Nina Jankowicz, has been caught telling another whopper: claiming that leftists and “marginalized communities” are censored...
Has it finally happened? Has Hillary Clinton at long last actually said something honest and accurate? In an interview with PBS Friday, the once and possibly...
“We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into give you the outcomes you want,” Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a gathering on Thursday on Roe...
Why is everything bad under Joe Biden, when it was so good under Trump? Don’t be fooled. Biden is doing this on purpose. No one “accidentally” tanks the...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk ignited a firestorm on social media by suggesting that he might die “under mysterious circumstances.” While some on Twitter...