On Tuesday, former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told BBC Radio 5 Live she was under “enormous pressure” to...
Category - Second Amendment
Mandatory gun buybacks are unconstitutional and could give the federal government broad power to impose their will on law-abiding citizens, said 2020...
During the October 15, Democrat debate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke made clear that AR-15 owners who refuse to hand over their guns will have them taken away...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation released its Uniform Crime Report for 2018 on Monday, and the numbers indicate that more people were killed by knives than...
The Trump administration will effectively end the “catch and release”practice within immigration enforcement next week, acting Department of Homeland Security...
Former congressman Beto O’Rourke’s vow to take AR-15s from gun owners appears to represent a stark reversal from his failed Senate...
Twitter, the GAP, and 143 other businesses, sent a September 12, 2019, letter to Congress asking elected officials to pass more gun control. The...
Actress and gun control activist Alyssa Milano revealed she has two guns in her home for self-defense during a debate Tuesday evening with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)...
Democrat presidential hopeful Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke suggests citizens will comply and surrender their AR-15s if his proposed ban is put into place...
The U.S. Government is asking Apple and Google to hand over information on gun owners who have a scope on their rifles and use an app called Obsidian 4...