It sounds like every sci-fi virus film ever made. Michele Fallon was driving near Danville, Penn., last Friday when she saw two trucks collide. Boxes littered...
Category - Lifestyle
A new law proposed in South Carolina would ban employers from asking about the vaccination status of their workers. “The government has no place in making you...
Police officers are being shot nationwide. A young girl in Chicago took two stray bullets to the head and died. Thus far this year, the nation has had 27 mass...
A convoy of truckers started their march from Vancouver on Sunday to the Canadian capital city of Ottawa protesting the government’s COVID-19 vaccine...
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear cases challenging race-based affirmative action at two colleges, Harvard University and University of North Carolina. “The...
CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that encourages violence and spreads conspiracy theories, has seen its viewership drop -78 percent to below 500,000 viewers...
The current 7% rate of inflation is the highest it’s been in 40 years. This is very significant because it means that a large majority of Americans have never...
What possesses a person to travel to another country for a luxury vacation only to complain it doesn’t mimic the dystopian hellscape they came from? I wouldn’t...
Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer on Sunday revealed how the Biden family have profited from business with individuals “linked to the highest...
There’s an old joke about the typical Canadian who is nudged off the sidewalk by a passerby and immediately apologizes, a humorously rueful sign of the...