The emoji board is meeting again to add new symbols to the emoji language. Among those up for review this year are a “pregnant man” and...
Category - Tech Censorship
After President Joe Biden accused Facebook posters of “killing people” who might not get the COVID-19 vaccination, an anonymous company official...
Former President Donald Trump, who has complained about censorship by social media giants, announced class action lawsuits today against Facebook CEO Mark...
A globally renowned China scholar said Twitter temporarily restricted her account after she mocked Chinese President Xi Jinping. The New Zealand academic added...
A number of emails seen by CNN — which uses them to make the case that the platform isn’t censoring enough — show that the Biden campaign repeatedly pressured...
Among 46 countries worldwide, America’s trust in its media ranks dead last, with just 29 percent. We’re winning. Tee hee. This is the best news I’ve heard all...
Twitter locked the account of the National File, a national populist news website, for reporting on a tweet from Tami Burages, a woman who says her 13-year old...
By way of an unforgivable (but very revealing) act of silence, several scientists now admit to having misled the country for more than a year by covering up...
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) told Breitbart News he believes a profound shift seen in the 2020 election in the Hispanic community toward Republicans and away from...
Former President Donald Trump appeared to express regret Friday that he ever hosted Mark Zuckerberg at the White House for dinner after Facebook announced the...