The ugliness of affirmative action has infested the National Football League, fueling concerns about how it will affect the competitive nature of the sport...
Category - News
We all need to keep in mind that, except for a handful of pollsters, polling is irretrievably broken. So, with a grain of salt and a big, broad smile across my...
Gov. Andrew Cuomo will no longer see his elderly mother and two daughters for Thanksgiving after facing backlash for contradicting his own advice to “stay...
Even after the lessons of the past four years, Maxine Waters still doesn’t get it. The walking, octogenarian advertisement for congressional term limits, who...
A group of Antifa militants have assaulted a number Trump supporters in Washington, DC, on Saturday. These incidents occurred just as thousands of Trump...
President Donald Trump said Monday he would allow General Services Administrator Emily Murphy to begin the initial steps for a transition of power to former...
Public outrage ensued after the Holocaust centre in Florida opened a George Floyd Exhibit, commemorating the May 25 death that sparked months of protests...
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) warned on Sunday that certain areas of New York City are heading toward tighter coronavirus restrictions, including the most...
The top Republican senators—who spearhead the investigations into Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings—have released “supplemental”...
In the aftermath of deadly attacks by Islamic terrorists, French President Emmanuel Macron wants Muslim leaders to adopt a “charter of republican values.” The...