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The Cost of Communism: ‘Comrade de Blasio’ Has Gutted the Big Apple

“Comrade de Blasio,” real name Warren Wilhelm, took over as New York City’s mayor after five successive and successful terms with a Republican at the helm, two with Rudy Giuliani and three with Mike Bloomberg (who paid convinced the city council to let him run for a rare third term).

When de Blasio took over as mayor of NYC, it was like inheriting the 2009 championship Yankees. Eight years later, he is leaving the city looking more like the Detroit Tigers. Almost 200,000 people signed a petition to have him impeached. Nothing came of it because communists never quit. We might as well change the name of New York City to “Moscow on the Hudson.”

Here is a partial list of the damage the Marxist mayor has caused in one of American’s greatest cities.

Roughly four months after throwing a ticker-tape parade for New York City’s essential workers, doctors, nurses, and other first responders, de Blasio’s vaccine mandate is leading to many of the same people getting fired. Twenty-six firehouses closed this weekend due to staff shortages. Almost 9,000 city workers are looking at losing their jobs over the vaccine mandate. Approximately 27% of cops and 27% of firefighters are about to lose their gigs. Another commie, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, is marching in side-step with de Blasio and is casting out former heroes throughout the state who don’t want the jab.

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De Blasio and former Governor Andrew Cuomo (the serial killer of the elderly) gave New York City polices that led to a crime surge. They released thousands of prisoners early. They also gave NYC the “gift” of bail reform, which kept criminals out of jail. Then de Blasio defunded the NYPD by a cool $1 billion. You won’t believe what happened next. Many crimes have skyrocketed, with some surging 50%-75%. Brazen daylight shootings are through the roof.

De Blasio was gung-ho when it came to locking down New York City over COVID, even after the media reported that 66% of New York’s COVID cases were people who stayed home. De Blasio was a firm supporter of keeping people indoors, unless fellow Marxists like BLM and Antifa wanted to burn the city, in which case he was down with the cause.

De Blasio and his wife spent almost $1 billion on “mental health” programs for New York City, but no one seems to know where the money went. The Big Apple is still brimming with crazy homeless people who are using the city as a toilet. Not to mention the hatchet- or hammer-wielding psychos attacking people at will.

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De Blasio claims that he hates racism. Anti-Asian violence skyrocketed under de Blasio. What did he do? He killed off the gifted and talented education programs in NYC schools because the kids were disproportionally “white and Asian.” Take THAT, racism!

The problem with New Yorkers is that they never learn. Better to be a woke lefty than a “racist right-winger.” Progressive mayoral Democrat candidate Eric Adams is likely to easily become New York City’s next mayor tomorrow. You get what you vote for, and New Yorkers are likely to vote for more murder and more mandates.

Story cited here.

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