*UPDATE: Snowflake Stephens just killed his Twitter account.
**UPDATE: You’ve got to watch this… Stephens went on MSNBC and basically compared being called a “bedbug” to the Holocaust and claimed — you’re not going to believe this — he cc’d the man’s boss, not to harm him professionally, but to make the boss aware that his employee is like Hiter and stuff:
.@BretStephensNYT on quitting Twitter after being called a “bedbug”:
“Analogizing people to insects is always wrong … Being analogized to insects goes back to a lot of totalitarian regimes in the past." pic.twitter.com/Iyh9PpK2HS
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 27, 2019
Original Post Below…
The ongoing meltdown over at the far-left New York Times marched on Monday when Never Trump columnist Bret Stephens threatened the job of a man who called him a “bedbug.”
According to Dave Karpf, an associate professor at George Washington University, a rather innocuous tweet resulted in a threat from Stephens.
Based on a hilarious report about the New York Times’ offices being infested with bedbugs (c’mon, that’s funny), Karpf, who is no fan of Stephens, fired off an anodyne tweet to his 13,400 followers calling the columnist a “bedbug.”
“The bedbugs are a metaphor,” Karpf wrote. “The bedbugs are Bret Stephens.”
Karpf didn’t even “at” Stephens, meaning tag him in the tweet so it would be guaranteed to show up in his feed.
Karpf says the tweet did nothing, got no traction, not a single retweet and only nine “likes.” Nevertheless, about an hour later, he not only received a threatening email from Stephens, the Never Trumper also cc’d Karpf’s provost, which in university language means his boss.
Karpf ended up publishing the email in which Stephens challenges the academic to call him a bedbug to his face.
“I would welcome the opportunity for you to come to my home, meet my wife and kids, talk to us for a few minutes, and then call me a ‘bedbug’ to my face,” the email read in part. “That would take some genuine courage and intellectual integrity on your part. I promise to be courteous no matter what you have to say.”
Alright fine… here is the email: pic.twitter.com/A4E5I6CoB6
— davekarpf (@davekarpf) August 27, 2019
Story cited here.