I’m Just Like You! Democrats Eat Food in Iowa

By Daniel M

August 13, 2019

Nothing says you’re one of the people more than eating food. After all, we all eat food, and food is delicious. But don’t take our word for it.

A picture says a thousand words. And these pictures speak volumes… volumes of truth and authenticity, written by different authors and yet bound together by a common story and an understanding of real Americans who eat real food. The collective volume is aptly titled “I’m Just Like You!” It’s not yet available in hardcover or paperback and yet is indisputably compelling.

Here, Senator Kamala Harris opens a box of pork chops, emoting exactly as any American would in the same situation:

Soon after, Ms. Harris goes with a timid bite from one of those chops. As we all know, many Americans eat pork this way, so we tip our hats to Ms. Harris, despite her tentative and dainty approach.