The House of Representatives voted on two bills Monday night with many Republicans breaking with President Donald Trump, leaving only a handful of GOP...
Category - News
The mystery surrounding a Christmas day bombing in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, continues to grow, as details reported about the alleged perpetrator shed...
The House voted Monday evening to override President Donald Trump’s veto of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, in a 322-87 vote, including more than...
Jimmy Galligan is an 18-year-old college freshman from Leesburg, Virginia. He may also be cancel culture’s Count of Monte Cristo. Some months ago...
Cornell students are required to get a flu vaccination before arriving on campus as part of the Cornell Student Behavioral Compact in response to the COVID-19...
Waters: Trump Is ‘Compromised’ by Putin — We Have to ‘Rely on Biden’ to Stand Up to Russia and China
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Saturday on CNN that President Donald Trump was “compromised” by Russian President Vladimir Putin. When asked about...
Only days after a Christmas morning blast rocked downtown Nashville, Tennessee, another suspicious vehicle put the state on edge as it began emitting a dire...
President Donald Trump has signed into law a $2.3 trillion coronavirus aid and government spending package aimed at restoring unemployment benefits to millions...
Investigators say Anthony Warner was the Nashville bomber and died in the explosion. Warner, 63, of Bakertown Road in Antioch, is believed to be responsible...
Now that coronavirus vaccines are starting to roll out in the US and abroad, many people may be dreaming of the day when they can travel, shop and go to the...