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Cindy McCain Says Country Needs John McCain ‘More than Ever’

Appearing Saturday on CNN’s Axe Files, Cindy McCain reacted to recent happenings in Washington, D.C., saying the United States needs her late husband, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), “more than ever.”

A transcript is as follows:

DAVID AXELROD: What would John McCain be saying right now?

CINDY MCCAIN: I think he’d be disgusted with some of the stuff that’s going on. I really do. He’d be railing against what’s going on. I think John provided a lot of cover for other members and when he would do it, they could get behind him. I’m not seeing a real rudder in the Senate right now.

AXELROD: Why do you think that is? It seems like there’s this sort of reign of terror about taking on the president and criticizing him.

MCCAIN: I think it has to do with re-elections and keeping their heads down. I’m not being critical, because I understand what it means to get re-elected. But, at some point, you have to do what you were elected to do — and that was represent the country as well as your local people.  But I think John would be — I know he’d be terribly upset by this whole thing. He was upset before he died. He saw what was going on. I wish he were here, like all of us, I wish he were here. But we need him more than ever. We really do.

Story cited here.

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