2020 Election Lifestyle News

‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

Election Day kicked off with a bout of chaos in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with poll watchers reportedly denied access and witnesses alleging “illegal campaigning” at various polling locations.

According to Trump 2020 EDO director Mike Roman, Democrat election officials are banning Trump poll watchers all across the city, as one video shows. Another photo on social media shows a physical barrier, which Roman says Democrat officials are using to keep poll watchers far from the counting tables:

There also appear to be instances of illegal campaigning at various polling locations. Roman provided an image of a man in blue purportedly distributing Democrat literature to voters as they stand in line to cast their ballots. Other polling locations appear to have the literature posted outside the facility:

Additionally, there are mounting reports of polling locations opening late, forcing some voters to step out of line to return to work before casting their ballots:

According to the Philadelphia Republican Party, in the first two hours of voting alone, they have received reports of “several reporting locations closed,” hundreds of voters stuck in line, ballot harvesting, and officials denying poll watchers access.

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There are also reports of voting machines down in Westmoreland and Philadelphia Counties, according to the Philly GOP:

All eyes remain on Pennsylvania, the state many believe could determine the outcome of the election. Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D) made waves over the weekend after declaring — three days before the election — that “if all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose.”

Pennsylvania polls close at 8 p.m., with 20 electoral votes up for grabs.

Story cited here.

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