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TENS OF THOUSANDS of Brazilians Descend on Brasilia, Storm Congress – SHOTS FIRED

Massive crowd of Brazilians have descended on the capital of Brasilia to protest the stolen elections and are currently storming the National Congress. Police are using tear gas, Gunfire has been reported.

Reports put the number of protestors in the capital in the millions.

Protestors have broken through the barriers around the National Congress and are storming the building:

Protestors seem to have cornered Police on the roof, who opened fire before retreating:

The presidential Palace has also been occupied:

Protestors have also stormed the Supreme Court, which is mainly responsible for the Communist coup and election fraud denialism:

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Injured protesors were carried on stretchers, apparently with bullet wounds:

Miltary Police were seen to be taking selfies with the pro-democarcy protestors:

Protestors were seen escorting a lone, stranded polcieman to safety:

Protests have reportedly spread all across Brazil, such as in Florianopolis:

Police were seen joining in the protests in Rio de Janeiro:

Brazil observer Matt Tyrmand called it “civil war”:

Story cited here.

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