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Taliban Planning to Steal Joe Biden’s 9/11 Anniversary Thunder

Pity poor Presidentish Joe Biden, who wanted nothing more than a good photo op for Saturday’s 9/11 anniversary, now apparently taken away by the very Taliban enabled by his botched bugout.

According to a Russian state media report noticed by the Telegraph late Thursday, the Taliban is “considering inaugurating its new government on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.”

The story goes on:

That report was amplified by the influential head of the RT channel and the media conglomerate that includes RIA Novosti, Margarita Simonyan, who said the symbolic date choice was deliberate.

“The inauguration of Afghanistan’s new government has been scheduled for 9/11. The Talibs are good not only at generating memes but also at trolling,” she tweeted.

The date has not yet been confirmed, but I suppose we’ll find out on Saturday.

Meanwhile, the Biden White House is sticking with lame spins like this one:

In reference to that, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked White House spin doctor Jen Psaki, “Can you explain a little bit more about why the White House, in a statement, is calling the Taliban businesslike and professional?”

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Psaki dodged.

“Dodge THIS” was Biden’s message to Americans who remain hesitant to getting a COVID vaccination or three.

While the White House insists the Taliban is “businesslike and professional,” the Taliban is going about the rough business of re-establishing a hardcore Islamist emirate atop the rubble of Biden’s bungled bugout.

According to one report, a Taliban tormenter told the journalists, “You are lucky you weren’t beheaded.”

“Despite promises of a more inclusive regime,” the report said, “the Taliban have moved to snuff out mushrooming opposition against their rule.”

Somehow, I doubt that’s the photo op Biden was hoping for.

Maybe that’s why Psaki told reporters on Thursday that the alleged president won’t give any live addresses on 9/11/2021. “You will hear from [Biden] in the form of a video in advance — or if that will be available that day, I should say,” she said at Thursday’s briefing.

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The Free Beacon reported that Biden “will attend events at all three 9/11 memorial sites,” but Psaki claimes that his “busy schedule that day precluded him from giving a live address.”

Between the Taliban’s busy schedule of embarrassing our 20-year war effort and Biden’s increasing inability to perform well under stress, it’s really no surprise that POTUS will be seen and not heard—even on the very day that Americans could reasonably expect a compos mentis president to say at least a few words.

So Biden will get his photo ops in New York City, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon, but the Taliban who hosted al Qaeda on 9/11/2001 will likely own 9/11/2021.

Story cited here.

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