
Stacey Abrams: ‘COVID Is a Risk’ — We Are Pushing Vote from Home for November

By Daniel M

July 03, 2020

Thursday on MSNBC, 2018 Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams said her organization Fair Fight was “pushing to make sure vote from home is real,” in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Abrams said, “We know that it begins with allowing vote from home, mail-in ballots, whatever you want to call it. The ability to not have to show up in person to cast your ballot, which unfortunately the Republicans are pushing hard against. But a coalition of organizations like Fair Fight, working with the Leadership Conference, and others we are pushing to make sure vote from home is real. And we have seen 50% increases in a number of states of people who know that when COVID is at risk, we have to have another way to vote.”

Abrams added, “We have to remember this July 4th that we have had to fight since inception to make citizenship real for every American, and we should double down in 2020 to make sure that we hear from the most vulnerable.”

Story cited here.