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SJWs Demand That Brie Larson Be Replaced as Captain Marvel by a Gay Woman of Color

If you live by the sword of identity politics, you’re going to die by the sword of identity politics. Brie Larson, who’s known as much for being a social justice warrior championing the cause of intersectionality as much as she’s known for playing Captain Marvel, is facing calls to resign her largest, most lucrative acting gig to date. Those who want her to step down want her to do so in order for the producers to cast a gay woman of color.

The online petition, which has garnered nearly 7,000 signatures as of the writing of this article, declares:

We need Brie Larson to step down from her role to prove she is an ally of social justice and ensure a gay woman of color plays the role. Let Monica, the original female & BLACK Captain Marvel instead of white-washing characters for the benefit of the straight, white men running Disney.

She hasn’t donated money to any charity other than The Motion Picture and Television Fund Foundation ( and it’s time for her to show she is not all-talk.

Many of the comments reflect the same intersectional mindset, demanding that artificial diversity trump things like qualifications. My “favorite” comment offers this blistering take:

“Isn’t it time for white women like Brie to check their privilege and allow lesbian women and women of color to have a chance. I feel that White Women in America have been represented enough…it’s time. Brie speaks about representation and diversity yet she is the over represented race and cis sex. Step aside Larson and Give the role to someone else.”

The one thing I agree wholeheartedly with is the need for Brie to be confronted with her own SJW hypocrisy. She goes around demanding that everyone else bow before the god of identity politics, all while cashing fat checks that, according to her own ideology, could be going to a member of a more privileged/oppressed identity group.

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While making the rounds on the press junkets promoting Captain Marvel and Avengers: Endgame, Larson has stirred up quite a bit of controversy by sticking to the intersectional talking points about the lack of diversity within the film industry. In an interview with Variety, Larson bragged, “I’m happy to be on the forefront of the normalization of this type of content. And to prove once again that representation matters, diverse storytelling matters. And these are markers, and this is kind of in our society some of the ways that it takes in order to prove that point.”

If Brie Larson believes her own intersectionality message, she will step down from her role as Captain Marvel to allow an actress from a more underrepresented identity group play the part. Granted, she’s not going to do that. What she’s really happy about is being on the forefront of cashing larger checks, acquiring more fame, and using her bully pulpit to prove how woke she is. Asking her to put her money where her mouth is will only serve to prove that her real superpower is hypocritical virtue-signaling.
Story cited here.
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