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Salvini Blasts New Italian Government As Least Democratic Ever

Populist Italian politician, and now former Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini has blasted the new Five Star Movement-Democratic Party (PD) coalition as being the least democratic government of all time.

Mr Salvini, who leads the populist Lega party, slammed the new coalition between the Five Star Movement and the establishment leftist PD saying, “This government is the least democratic and representative of all time. How do you get an executive to start where the founding members themselves do not believe in it?” Il Giornale reports.

The former Interior Minister went on to attack Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte whose resignation ushered in the collapse of the Lega-M5S coalition.

” I wonder: since when did our government cease to function? The answer is: since Giuseppe Conte summoned everything to Palazzo Chigi,” he said claiming that Conte had attempted to micro-manage everything from justice policy to tax reform, slowing down needed reforms.

Later, during a live stream on his Facebook page, Salvini announced that he would not be giving up stating, “a theft of democracy is underway: a minority of a minority defeated in all the elections is trying to get back through the window. This government is not born in Rome it was born in Brussels to take out that pain in the ass Salvini.”

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Salvini went on to promise that he would not be gotten rid of by “palace games” and announced a major rally in Rome for October 19th. He addressed Italian President Sergio Mattarella saying, “President, you  still have time to give the word to the holders of power, the people.”

The new left-wing government was met with the opposite sentiment from outgoing European Commissioner Günther Oettinger who called it a “positive development” and said he expected the new government to be”a pro-European government that does not work against Europe.”

Oettinger has been a frequent critic of Salvini in the past claiming that Salvini’s Lega and the Five Star Movement were actively looking to harm or even destroy the European Union.

Story cited here.

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