
Republican Tim Rogers wins Wisconsin 4th district primary

On Tuesday, Republican Purnima Nath was defeated by Tim Rogers in a primary contest, setting up a face-off in November to unseat Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore in Wisconsin's 4th district.

On Tuesday, Republican Purnima Nath was defeated by Tim Rogers in a primary contest, setting up a face-off in November to unseat Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore in Wisconsin’s 4th district

Rogers will have an uphill battle defeating Moore, who has held office since 2009. Wisconsin Public Radio has reported that Moore has won all of her re-election bids in landslide victories 

Nath emigrated from India and describes her work as management consulting.

Rogers is a Milwaukee native and has run against Moore in 4 consecutive elections. He has never cracked 23% of the vote.

Moore was one of only three Democrats in Congress in February to vote against a bill in committee that expanded the child tax credit. 


Wisconsin’s 4th district includes the city of Milwaukee, the host city of the Republican National Convention in July, and Moore’s hometown. 

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