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Rep. Jackson Lee: ‘America Is Ready’ for Reparations Because of Trump’s ‘Attitude’

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) said Americans were ready for the “descendants of slavery” to receive reparations because of President Donald Trump’s “attitude.”

Lee said, “The commission would study reparation proposals. We would not dictate to the commission its design but, clearly, it would be designed for those descendants of slavery. Tragically, 250 years of slavery in the United States for those enslaved Africans did not receive workman’s comp, salary, 401(k), or anything, and literally built the wealth of the United States and Europe. That’s why it was called the trans-Atlantic slave trade, taking enslaved Africans from Africa, frankly, from many parts of Africa. This commission would have the authority appointed by the President, the Majority Leader, the Speaker, and scholars, to really dig deep, something that we have never done before and to design the response.”

She added, “I think America is ready for this because of what we have been going through in the last couple of weeks, because of the attitude of our Commander-in-Chief, and because of what we have seen. The dastardly impacts of white nationalism, white supremacy, and outright racism that has impacted others but certainly has impacted over the decades and centuries African-Americans, the descendants of enslaved Africans.”

Story cited here.

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