
R.L. Stine Reveals Publisher Made Woke Changes to ‘Goosebumps’ Without His Knowledge

R.L. Stine, the author of the "Goosebumps" series of children's books, is speaking out after leftist publishers retroactively edited his books because they weren't woke enough. It was reported this week that Scholastic, the publisher of "Goosebumps," rewrote Stine's works to excise things its woke editors considered to be lacking...

R.L. Stine, the author of the “Goosebumps” series of children’s books, is speaking out after leftist publishers retroactively edited his books because they weren’t woke enough. It was reported this week that Scholastic, the publisher of “Goosebumps,” rewrote Stine’s works to excise things its woke editors considered to be lacking…

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