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Prospective Jurors in Derek Chauvin Trial Worry About Being Targeted

One can only imagine what will happen to Minneapolis and other Democrat-run cities if Derek Chauvin, the police officer charged with murdering George Floyd, is found not guilty. We are now learning prospective jurors are legitimately concerned for their own safety.

Per the far-left Associated Press:

One was anxious, worried about high emotion surrounding the case. One worried his family might be targeted. And one was delighted to receive her jury summons — even after learning she might wind up on the panel considering whether to convict a former police officer in George Floyd’s death.

The person who worried about the divisiveness of the case was dismissed, as was the potential juror who feared his family could be targeted.

These jurors have every right to be concerned. Look at what happened after the death of George Floyd…

Everyone in the country was horrified by the video of Floyd’s suffocation. Everyone, including former President Trump, spoke out against it. It was a moment when we could have all come together as a country. But unity, especially in an election year, was something Democrats and the fake media were desperate to avoid. Instead, they deployed their shock troops.

Yep, even though the entire country was disgusted by that video, the Democrats and media still deployed the domestic terrorist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa to swarm through dozens of Democrat-run cities.

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Worse still, most of the Democrats who run those cities allowed these terrorists to swarm and destroy their cities, and the result was the worst rioting in our country’s history: billions of dollars in damages, nearly 20 people dead, countless small businesses looted and destroyed, multiple acts of arson, and countless assaults.

There is just no question, if Chauvin is acquitted, anyone who lives in a Democrat-run city will be in mortal danger — and with the help of the Democrat party and media, the offending jurors will surely be hunted for the rest of their lives.

If you think about it, the Democrat party has returned America to the Jim Crow days of racial segregation. Back in those terrible days, Democrats used terror, violence, and threats to manipulate the justice system against black people in the south. Today, that very same Democrat party uses terror, violence, and threats to manipulate the justice system against anyone it so chooses.

It’s the exact same M.O.; it’s all racially motivated, and it’s all meant to pervert and terrorize the justice system into behaving the way Democrats demand it behave.

While I have zero love for Chauvin and would myself be booted from jury duty because I just can’t see myself voting for anything other than a conviction, I am still troubled when I see the legal system perverted in this way. And the problem is not just the obvious intimidation from the Brownshirts in Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

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A third-degree murder charge has just been reinstated against Chauvin, which means he is now charged with third-degree murder, second-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. In its zeal to win a conviction, the district attorney, with the help of the judge, is basically playing a game of pin-the-crime-on-the-defendant by giving the jury all kinds of choices….

Keep in mind, I’m saying the following as someone who believes Chauvin should be convicted: multiple choice crimes is not how the justice system is supposed to work. The job of the state is to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and if the state doesn’t even know of which crime Chauvin is guilty, how can it prove anything?

A guilty man might very well go to prison, but when the government frames a guilty man to put him in prison, we all suffer because the perversion of the justice system harms everyone.

Story cited here.

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