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Prominent BLM Activist Threatens Cities ‘on Fire’ if Chauvin Not Convicted

Maya Echols, a prominent Black Lives Matter activist, threatened that cities will be “on fire” if Derek Chauvin is not convicted.

Side note: So what? I don’t live there.

Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, is currently on trial for the murder of George Floyd.

“If George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced, just know that all hell is gonna break loose. Don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire. Just saying,” Echols threatened in a since-deleted video.

Trust me, sweetheart, no one with an IQ above room temperature will be at all surprised.

Echols’ threat is one people need to take seriously because, as we all remember from last year, it was the left-wing domestic terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa who rioted, burned, assaulted, and killed in dozens of American cities for months and months and months.

Which means there is simply no question that if Chauvin is acquitted — as I pointed out last week — that what Echols is threatening will indeed happen. Worse still, the left’s second round of mayhem and death will likely dwarf the original campaign of domestic terror launched by Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

The good news is that if there is a second wave of domestic terror, it will, just like the first one, occur exclusively in shithole cities full of Democrats and run by Democrats.

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Sorry not sorry, but it is only Democrat-run shitholes that are plagued by riots and hate crimes and gun violence and pollution. In fact, it was in the Democrat-run shithole of Minneapolis where Chauvin was filmed kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for eight minutes.

Hey, have you noticed how almost every allegation against a police officer for excessive force and/or racism happens in a Democrat-run, shithole city?

This is not a coincidence.

Nevertheless, these idiot Democrats continue to vote for Democrats and then blame Trump voters for all their problems, even though we don’t live in their shithole cities. We live out in Rural America where there are no gun violence or hate crime crises.

The bottom line is monsters such as Maya Echols are destroying — I should say, further destroying — their own neighborhoods and communities, while us Trump voters enjoy life in Rural America where we all own guns, but have no gun violence crisis; where we’re supposed to be the racists, but where all races live together with no racial tension; where we’re accused of being anti-environment, but our air and water and streets are clean.

If Chauvin is acquitted (from what I’ve read about the trial, it is my opinion he should not be acquitted), it’s going to be an acquittal in a Democrat-run city and a Democrat-run state full of Democrat voters. And then, the Democrat terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa are going to run around and (once again) burn down Democrat-run cities full of Democrats.

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This is not my problem. Because…

Out here in Rural MAGA Land — where our air and water and streets are safe and clean, and where people of all races and creeds live together in relative harmony — we’re just gonna sit back in our La-Z-Boys and watch terrorist Democrats terrorize Democrats and shake our heads at the ignorance and stupidity of it all.

The cities are lost, and I could not care less.

You get what you vote for and you assholes voted for this.

By the way… Maya Echols is not just a BLM activist. Per the Daily Wire, she’s a “social influencer” who signed a lucrative modeling contract with IMG Worldwide. In other words, the left is legitimizing this monster, which is just fine with me.

Like I said, it’s not my neighborhood being burned to the ground.

Story cited here.

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