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Politico Utterly Humiliates WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin Using Her Own Words Against Her

Have you ever heard the old saying about how we are our own worst enemies?

Truer words have never been spoken in the case of Jennifer Rubin, formerly known as the “conservative” columnist for the Washington Post but who now labels herself as the “NeverTrump, pro-democracy opinion writer” at the paper.

Not only is Rubin her own worst enemy, as we’ve documented extensively here, she’s also a legend in her own mind, as evidenced by her insane and hysterical reaction to a Thursday report from Politico on how she had become “the Biden administration’s favorite columnist” after years of bad-mouthing the Obama-Biden administration, even being harshly critical of Biden at times.

She changed rather dramatically over the years, they noted, first going rabid NeverTrumper to stalwart pillow plumper for Team Biden. Before we get to her response to the piece, let’s take a look at some of what was reported about her, including how some in the WaPo newsroom actually feel about her newfound status:

[Biden] Chief of Staff Ron Klain has retweeted or @ mentioned Rubin more than three dozen times since mid-May. The White House press team, the Democratic National Committee, the State Department, and the vice president’s office have all promoted various columns and tweets from her in recent weeks.


But Rubin’s emergence as one of the administration’s go-to validators has stoked some divisions among Democrats and within the Post newsroom itself.

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The White House has encouraged outside allies to share some of Rubin’s articles online. One told West Wing Playbook that they declined to do so because they thought it was just too embarrassing to earnestly share a Rubin column, given her history as a conservative and perceived tendency to pander to the administration.

One Post employee said some people in the newsroom are increasingly frustrated that Rubin is parroting the administration’s critiques of the media, which they believe emboldens the administration to push back on journalists even further. Two others say they just try to ignore her or don’t read her columns.

LOL. Hard to know which is more hilarious. That Politico inserted the word “perceived” on the issue of her “tendency to pander” to Democrats, or the fact that she’s not well-liked at the paper she’s written at for several years now because of that very tendency.

In any event, after pointing out that they had tried to connect with Rubin on a number of occasions this year to get her to comment on the issue of the White House frequently pimping her columns, Politico reported that Rubin finally did email them yesterday with a message that contained the subject line “OFF THE RECORD.” The website said they never agreed to anything of the sort, and as a result decided to publish the nastygram Rubin sent to them.

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Here’s what she wrote (FYI, for those who have a tendency to cry from laughing too hard, you might want to grab a tissue box because you’ll definitely need them):

How utterly predictable that Politico would run the zillionth hit piece on a prominent woman, especially one candid in her critiques of Politico’s hysterical, clickbait style of coverage. The notion that I am polarizing in a newsroom (as opposed to any of the dozens of other opinion writers) is a “take” only Politico could come up with — by of course running around to ask the question in the first place. I trust the Post’s superb news side folks spend zero time thinking about me (as is entirely appropriate). My only surprise is that Sam [Stein, POLITICO’s White House editor], a very good journalist, would become enmeshed in such an obviously misogynistic publication. Surely there are finer publications that would have him.

And btw, what a low class move to do this on Yom Kippur at the last moment.

Beyond the hilarity of her response and the priceless reactions to it that I saw on Twitter, there’s a serious point to be made here.

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As I’ve written before, there’s a reason the Jen Rubins of the world do what they do. Like Democrats, diehard Never Trumpers have been thoroughly discredited by actual conservatives on many levels, including on the issue of Russia/Trump collusion, on the issue of Obamagate, and so much more. Never Trumpers themselves have especially been exposed as massive hypocrites on the issue of conservatism, waving the “I’m a truuue conservative!!” banner but then turning right back around and cheering when liberal Democrats at all levels of government win elections.

Needless to say, that’s not how actually “conserving conservatism” works, folks.

It’s just straight-up gaslighting over and over again from people who have accidentally revealed how they have few real core beliefs beyond whatever can get them their next paycheck and party invite.

But they keep on keeping on because that’s what politically homeless grifters hungry for acceptance and desperate to be taken seriously by the NYC/DC cocktail circuit do. It’s sad, really, but it’s just who (and what) they are, bless their hearts.

Story cited here.

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