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Planned Parenthood Grooming Little Girls for Sex

Just when you thought Planned Parenthood couldn’t get any more disgusting, something like this comes out into the open.

Former sex educator Monica Cline sat down with The Daily Caller News Foundation to expose Planned Parenthood’s sex education strategy that “grooms” children for promiscuity, all in the attempt to push abortion and STD testing on them.

It’s hard to find an insider with more credentials than Cline, who worked as a sexual health instructor in collaboration with Planned Parenthood for ten years. She began her career as an HIV prevention educator in 1997 with an organization focused on gay people of color in Austin, TX.

Later, she was trained by the Director of Prevention Education at Planned Parenthood in Austin before going on to become the Title X Training Manager for Texas and New Mexico.

From the beginning of her instruction with the director (whom Cline kept anonymous), Cline was surprised by Planned Parenthood’s approach to sex education.

“We have to approach this and look at your audience and realize that they’ve probably done anything and everything related to sex,” the director told Cline when she first started.

“It was very explicit,” Cline said, before revealing the details about what she was told she must discuss with her students. It was all-encompassing, to put it mildly.

“Oral, vaginal, and anal sex, and the use of sex toys,” Cline recalled.

If we don’t let kids that age watch movies with content like that, why should we send them to a class to learn about it? Cline later discovered exactly why, and the motives are quite nefarious.

Upon learning about several Planned Parenthood case studies that showed young girls coming to the clinic for help with sex-related injuries or abortions, Cline was convinced that something must be done to help them.

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She was appalled. “How do I teach these girls not to have sex?” Cline asked. The answer she got was even more shocking.

“No dear, we aren’t teaching them not to have sex,” the educator told her. “We are teaching them how to do it safer.”

Planned Parenthood’s strategy has nothing to do with abstinence or healthy relationships. Instead, the organization focuses on “risk reduction,” which Cline says is simply telling children to use lubrication and condoms, as well as getting tested for STDs every couple of months.

Cline believes that the “risk reduction” mindset grooms children for promiscuity by refusing to speak ill of sex in any capacity.

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Instead of outlining sex as something that should occur between consenting adults and within certain circumstances, Cline explained that kids are being introduced to “illicit sex.”

“Teens are being given false ideas that condoms will cover all the bases,” Cline continued. “They do tell them to get tested and treated – which means coming back to the clinic – and if they are pregnant they are encouraged to get an abortion.”

So it appears that Planned Parenthood cares very little about the kids and is only concerned with convincing them to come back to the clinic, padding the organization’s pocketbooks. And this is an organization that receives over $500 million in federal funding every year.

Cline went on, noting how children were taught to explicitly encourage abortion through emotional manipulation.

“We were supposed to identify what they are going through,” she explained. “Say, ‘you’re just a teenager, the last thing you want is a baby.’ Identify with her fears. ‘Your parents are probably going to be so mad at you. We can take care of this for you, it’s not a problem.’”

If that sounds less like a friendly neighborhood clinic and more like a sleazy sales pitch for a baby-killing factory, it’s because that’s exactly what it is. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

Cline eventually left her job due to her employer’s ambivalence toward the well-being of human trafficking victims.

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She stated that Planned Parenthood believed that if it reported evidence of trafficking, the girls’ pimps would not see the organization’s clinics as safe places to go for health care anymore (under the false pretense, of course, that abortion is some form of health care).

While she was in a management position in 2009, Cline attended a human trafficking conference and returned to teach her employees some techniques she learned for spotting and reporting red flags.

Her efforts were dismissed.

“Honey, if she’s not having sex with this man this month, she’ll be having sex with another man next month,” she was told.

Maybe that has something to do with Planned Parenthood’s neglecting to inform her about the dangers of promiscuity. But that doesn’t matter to the nation’s leading abortion provider: more unwanted pregnancies mean more cash for the organization. It’s just sickening.

That’s when Cline decided that she was no longer in the right profession.

“Their view of our children is very skewed,” she concluded. “They believe that this is what our children want. They don’t see our children as victims, they see them as willing participants.”

It’s about time that Planned Parenthood is swept into the dustbin of history, right where it belongs.

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Source: Planned Parenthood Grooming Little Girls for Sex

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