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Peter Thiel: Google is Sharing The ‘Crown Jewel’ Of Its AI Efforts With China and It’s Terrible For America

“The Coming Collapse of China” author Gordon Chang and Center for Security Policy President Fred Fleitz discuss how President Trump is pressuring the WTO to take away China’s “developing” country status and his warning to Google over its relationship with the Chinese.

Peter ThielOpens a New Window., the billionaire founder of PayPal and FacebookOpens a New Window. board member, is warning that GoogleOpens a New Window. sharing its DeepMind artifical intelligence with China is bad news for America.

In an op-ed published in The New York TimesOpens a New Window. on Thursday, Thiel said generals will be the first users of the A.I. tools that are being created today.

“Though less uncanny than Frankenstein’s monster, these tools are nevertheless valuable to any army — to gain an intelligence advantage, for example, or to penetrate defenses in the relatively new theater of cyberwarfare, where we are already living amid the equivalent of a multinational shooting war,” he wrote.

DeepMind, which Thiel believes is the “crown jewel” of Google’s A.I. effort, was launched in 2010 and acquired by the tech giant in 2014. Three years later, Google opened an A.I. lab in Beijing. That same year, China passed a law requiring all research conducted in the country be shared with the People’s Liberation Army.

And as Google was cozying up to China, it was burning bridges with the United States. In June of this year, Google ended its Project Maven drone projectOpens a New Window. with the U.S. Department of Defense amid employee backlash.

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“We believe that Google should not be in the business of war,” a letter signed by more than 3,000 Google employees said, according to The New York Times. “Therefore we ask that Project Maven be cancelled, and that Google draft, publicize and enforce a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its contractors will ever build warfare technology.”

Story cited here.

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