
Ottawa Official Who Demonized the Freedom Convoy Gets Her Just Deserts

By Daniel M

February 17, 2022

We’ve been bringing you a lot of the crazy that various authorities have directed at the Freedom Convoy. Justin Trudeau has been right up there at the top with demonizing the Convoy. But, perhaps no one has been worse than Ottawa city councilor Diane Deans, who’s the chair of the police services board.

Deans claimed the protest was an insurrection — that the protesters are terrorists and it’s not mostly rural Canadians behind it, but Americans seeking to overthrow Canada’s democracy. That’s how unhinged it has been in the Zoom meetings on the subject.

While she’s not the only unhinged one, she’s the worst. To give a descriptor that everyone will understand, she’s like Canada’s version of Maxine Waters; she’s that level of wacky. Deans even plans to run for mayor.

Have a listen, if you haven’t already watched her videos.

Drama queen Ottawa City Councilor @dianedeans characterizes Freedom Convoy as a “nationwide insurrection”, claims “this group is a threat to our democracy” and editorializes participants “threatening (residents) and preventing them from living their lives.”

Inflammatory much?

— Unacceptable Rowan (@canmericanized) February 6, 2022

“This group is a threat to our democracy… This is a nationwide insurrection. This is madness. We need to put an end to this now,” Deans ranted. That wasn’t even the worst one, though.

Then it was “sedition” and “treason,” “right out of the Trump playbook.”

Ottawa city councillor and chair of the Ottawa police services board Diane Deans says the #TruckersforFreedom convoy is an act of “treason.”

She says the protest is an “insurrection” and is “right out of the Trump playbook.”

— True North (@TrueNorthCentre) February 8, 2022

This is next one is one of my favorites, as she melted down over the bouncy castle and hot tub that the protesters had.

UNHINGED: Ottawa City Council Diane Deans is aghast over hot tubs and bouncy castles on the capital in an interview with the state broadcaster.

She wanted to: "unplug that damn bouncy castle"


— Efron Monsanto 🇨🇦 (@realmonsanto) February 16, 2022

This woman has been overcome by leftist propaganda and, in all likelihood, has far too many cats.

So, it was more than a little sweet when karma hit on Wednesday.

Deans got booted from the police services board, in a battle with Mayor Jim Watson. She was voted off by the full city council, by a 15-9 vote. They also moved to replace the second craziest person on the board, Carol Meehan. But then when Deans got voted out, others including Meehan, quit in support of her. That means the more radical elements — who had control over the police and were demonizing the protesters — are now gone.

The Toronto Sun described it as a meeting like “none other” before under Watson.

There was anger. Tears. Confusion.

A closed portion of the meeting broke out in bickering and screaming, away from the public’s gaze.

And when the council returned to the open session, they continued the clash.

The police services board has oversight over the police, and there’s been a battle over the response to the protesters. When the police chief quit this week, Deans made a move to replace him with someone from out of town — without going through the proper process, without any competition for the position, and failing to even notify the city council. That’s what prompted the vote to boot Deans and Meehan.

She flipped out about the vote, bashing the Mayor over “negotiating with terrorists,” and saying they were unseating a progressive board and going back to the 1950s.

MANIC RANT: Diane Deans, Ottawa City Councillor accused of breach of conduct says the Mayor did "negotiate with terrorists" when he reached a deal for truckers to move out of residential streets.


— Efron Monsanto 🇨🇦 (@realmonsanto) February 17, 2022

Ottawa city councillor Diane Deans : "You are unseating a progressive board that was bringing about important and progressive change in policing in the city of Ottawa, and you're going back to the 1950s."

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 17, 2022

No, hopefully, maybe just a little more sanity.

But, there’s still a question now, because Deans hired the new police chief, Matthew Torigian, and he signed a contract that goes until the end of 2022. He can be terminated, but it has to be with the agreement of both sides. So, she’s created an issue which they now have to deal with.

Happily, this is a move toward a calmer approach to the situation, so that’s a win — both for the protesters and for the rest of Ottawa’s citizens.

Story cited here.