2020 Election News Opinons Politics

Only 3% of Trump Voters Believe Joe Biden Is Legitimate Winner

We all need to keep in mind that, except for a handful of pollsters, polling is irretrievably broken. So, with a grain of salt and a big, broad smile across my face, I am happy to pass along this CNBC/Change Research poll that shows only three percent — a mere three percent, of President Donald Trump’s supporters see former Vice President Joe Biden as the legitimate winner of the 2024 presidential election.

Alternately, far-left CNBC reports that a “staggering 73% of respondents consider Trump the legitimate winner. Another 24% said they are not sure.”

Staggering. LOL.

Only three percent of “Trump voters believe he should concede to Biden and start the peaceful transfer of power. Another 31% want the president to fight in court until states certify results. Two-thirds, or 66%, think Trump should never concede.”

Never concede. LOL.

The CNBC write-up contains a number of lies about Trump’s efforts to contest the election and ensure every legal vote is counted.

“[T]he poll underscores the potentially bigger harm Trump’s lies about the vote tallies have done to public faith in the electoral process,” CNBC writes without evidence. “The president appears to have convinced many of his supporters he lost unfairly, even as state officials and judges have repeatedly shot down claims of fraud and wrongdoing,” CNBC again says without evidence.

The truth is Trump’s legal team has not yet presented what they say is evidence of widespread fraud, enough fraud to overturn the election results. We are only 21 days past the election. Al Gore spent 38 days contesting the 2000 presidential election.

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Trump has every legal, constitutional, and moral right to ensure the November 3 election was not rigged.

Let’s never forget that four blue counties in four swing states — Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Michigan — all stopped counting voted on the night of the election. This is unprecedented and has still not been explain. Before the vote counting stopped, Trump looked like he was on his way to reelection. After the vote counting restarted Will you look at all those Biden votes!

I’ve been watching national election late into the night since 1984 — presidential and midterm elections. I have never before seen a state stop counting.

With… the poll gets even better…

A “vast majority of Trump voters — 81% — said they would not give Biden a chance as president. Only 19% said they would.”

Never give Biden a chance. LOL.

Why should Trump supporters give His Fraudulency a chance as president when Democrats and the corporate media didn’t give Trump a chance as president, when the Obama/Biden administration repeatedly broke the law with illegal leaks, fraudulent warrants, and illegal unmasking to spy on the Trump campaign and undermine his presidency?

And why would we give a chance to a racist like Biden, a credibly-accused rapist and serial liar determined to take away our guns, our free speech rights, wage more pointless wars, raise our taxes, and lock us down for no reason?

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CNBC claims it polled “1,203 people who voted for Trump in 2020 nationwide from Wednesday to Saturday” with a “margin of error of plus or minus 2.83 percentage points.”

Who knows what CNBC really did. Like NBC does with the news, CNBC might have just fabricated this poll out of thin air so they would have a headline.

Still, though, LOL.

Good for you Trump supporters!


Story cited here.

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