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One-Third of Biden 2020 Voters Say He Should Not Run Again

Roughly one-third of President Biden’s 2020 voters do not believe he should run again in 2024, a recent Yahoo!News/YouGov survey found.

The survey asked respondents, “Should President Biden run for president again in 2024?”’

Most, 55 percent, said “no,” he should not run in 2024. Just one-quarter said “yes,” Biden should run, and another 20 percent remain unsure.

Notably, less than a majority of Democrats, 48 percent, said he should run again, but 29 percent said he should not. Perhaps more significant is the fact that nearly one-third of Biden 2020 voters, 32 percent, said he should not run again in 2024. Just 43 percent said he should.

Further, 66 percent of independents said Biden should not run for president again as the president garners the support of just 14 percent of independents who believe he should run for a second term.

The survey was taken December 15-29, 2022, among 1,555 U.S. adults.

Biden has indicated that he intends to run again in 2024, setting him up for a potential match with former President Donald Trump, who formally announced his presidential bid in November.

“This is what we call a National Greatness Agenda, because our country can be greater than it’s ever been,” Trump said during the Mar-a-Lago speech.

“Our country is not great anymore. It’s a mess. But our country can be greater than it ever was before. There will be more, much more in the months ahead—and there are so many things we need to do,” he continued, warning that “the road ahead of us will not be easy.”

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According to reports, first lady Jill Biden reportedly told French President Emmanuel Macron at a recent state dinner that she and Biden are ready to begin the reelection campaign, although no formal announcement has been made.

“I have not made that formal decision, but it’s my intention, my intention to run again, and we have time to make that decision,” Biden said during an October interview with MSNBC.

Story cited here.

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