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Omar Blames Crenshaw, Fox News For ‘Dangerous Incitement’ Against Her. Here’s How They Responded.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) accused Fox News and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) of causing “dangerous incitement” against her on Wednesday after Fox News host Brian Kilmeade and Crenshaw both expressed shock over how she described the 9/11 terror attacks in a recent speech.

During a speech in late March, Omar spoke at an event for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — which the United Arab Emirates has designated as a terrorist organization — where she described the 9/11 terror attacks as “some people did something.”

Stunned by the remarks, which went viral this week, Crenshaw tweeted on Tuesday: “First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as ‘some people who did something’. Unbelievable.”

On Wednesday, Kilmeade also expressed shock over Omar’s comments, saying: “Really? Some people did something? You have to wonder if she’s an American first.”

“As a Muslim American you should be more outraged because they sullied your religion,” Kilmeade continued. “In the name of religion they kill Americans and still do it on a daily basis.”

Omar responded to the criticisms by tweeting: “This is dangerous incitement, given the death threats I face. I hope leaders of both parties will join me in condemning it. My love and commitment to our country and that of my colleagues should never be in question. We are ALL Americans!”

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Kilmeade responded to Omar’s tweet with a tweet of his own, writing: “I didn’t intend to question whether Rep. Omar is an American – I am questioning how any American, let alone a United States Congresswoman, could downplay the 9/11 attacks.”

Crenshaw also fired back at Omar, tweeting: “1. I never called you un-American. 2. I did not incite any violence against you. 3. You described an act of terrorism on American soil that killed thousands of innocent lives as ‘some people did something.’ It’s still unbelievable, as is your response here.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that Omar, who has been repeatedly condemned by Congressional leaders over her anti-Semitism, was “anti-American” last month when she was speaking at AIPAC.

“This month, the full House came together to condemn the anti-Semitic myth of dual loyalty, and all forms of bigotry, with a resolution that ‘rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world, including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance, especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance,'” Pelosi said. “I simply declare to be anti-Semitic is to be anti-American. It has no place in our country.”

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Retired Deputy Chief Jim Riches FDNY, whose firefighter son Jimmy Riches was killed on 9/11, slammed Omar in an op-ed published in the New York Post on Wednesday.

“What Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said about Sept. 11 was disgraceful,” Riches wrote. “She dismissed thousands of people being murdered like it was an everyday occurrence when she said “some people did something.”

“I think Omar owes an apology to America. She owes an apology to the families,” Riches continued. “She came here from Somalia. She was educated here. We took care of her. And now she’s saying 911 was nothing?”

“Until the time that you realize the importance of 9/11 as the worst day in American history, I call for your removal from Congress,” Riches concluded.

Story cited here.

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