
Massive Protest Breaks Out in China’s Hubei Province, Ground Zero for the Coronavirus

By Daniel M

March 28, 2020

A huge protest march swept out of China’s Hubei province on Friday, with thousands of angry residents pouring across a bridge into neighboring Jiangxi province and clashing with police.

The capital city of Hubei province is Wuhan, ground zero for the coronavirus pandemic.

A huge protest march swept out of China’s Hubei province on Friday, with thousands of angry residents pouring across a bridge into neighboring Jiangxi province and clashing with police.

The capital city of Hubei province is Wuhan, ground zero for the coronavirus pandemic.

Footage from Hubei, #China appears to show residents attacking officers and police vehicles on a bridge as they attempt to access neighbouring Jiangxi province. The unrest follows weeks of #coronavirus lockdown in Hubei.

— Hong Kong Free Press (@HongKongFP) March 27, 2020

Wow, mass rioting in China, where citizens trying to cross a bridge between Hubei and Jiangxi. Stiff police control due to #COVID19 fears seem to have provoked people

Source; @fiteray

— Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) March 27, 2020

Civilians overturning a police vehicle…

— Things China Doesn't Want You To Know (@TruthAbtChina) March 27, 2020

The protests are becoming violent as more police arrive.

Word on the street is the residents are upset about their treatment by the government during the #coronavirus lockdown.

— Things China Doesn't Want You To Know (@TruthAbtChina) March 27, 2020

These videos have already been removed from WeChat and Weibo, presumably by the #CCP.

— Things China Doesn't Want You To Know (@TruthAbtChina) March 27, 2020

According to the “Things China Doesn’t Want You to Know” Twitter account quoted above, there are rumors the riot was kicked off by a fight between Hubei and Jiangxi police officers. The Hubei police were reportedly angered by Jiangxi police crossing into their jurisdiction.

A number of Hubei police officers appear to have joined the civilian demonstrators in their march toward Jiangxi, and evidently raised few objections when the civilians decided to trash a few Jiangxi police cars and club riot police with their own shields.

Noted Chinese dissident Badiucao heard rumors that the fight broke out because Jiangxi police resisted orders to open the border to Hubei after the coronavirus lockdown officially ended on Wednesday. One reason for their reluctance, according to Badiucao, is that “no one trusts the official numbers” for reduced coronavirus infections in Hubei, not even the police.