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Kenosha Riot “Man-who-shot-first” Is Finally in Jail After Crime Binge…for Now

The Kenosha County Eye is reporting that Joshua Ziminsky, the man who either fired a “warning shot” in the air or perhaps took a pot shot at Kyle Rittenhouse, is behind bars after allegedly committing a bumper crop of crimes with his Antifa princess wife, Kelly Ziminsky.

The creepy-looking Ziminsky, bedazzled with many tattoos, including an upside-down cross on his forehead and the word “Sin” tattooed on the back of his noggin, was previously arrested for his role in Kenosha’s 2020 riots and charged with arson, obstructing an officer, disorderly conduct, and use of a dangerous weapon. He also fired a shot moments before Kyle Rittenhouse ventilated serial child rapist Joseph Rosenbaum in self-defense.

FACT-O-RAMA! Joseph Rosenbaum spent a decade in prison for raping little boys. In a legendary moment, Tucker Carlson said this of him: “Rosenbaum then chased Rittenhouse and tried to pull the gun from his hands. When he did that, Kyle Rittenhouse shot him. So, Joseph Rosenbaum died as he had lived, trying to touch an unwilling minor.”

Kenosha’s commie District Attorney Michael Graveley waited five months to charge Ziminsky and only did so after pressure from angry locals tired of seeing miscreants treated with kid gloves.

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COMMIE-O-RAMA! Gaige Grosskreutz, who pulled a gun on Kyle Rittenhouse before Kyle perforated his bicep, was never charged with brandishing or illegally concealing a pistol. (Grosskreutz had a concealed pistol permit in the past but not during the Kenosha riots.)

Despite all the charges, Ziminsky was held on a mere $1,000 bond. Judge Bruce Schroeder, who also resided over the Rittenhouse trial, boosted it to $13,000, and Ziminsky was released.

Ziminsky was supposed to stand trial in January 2022 but the trial was postponed when the court found out he threatened a witness.

Ziminsky dodged jail and stayed free and like most street communists, he racked up an impressive list of crimes. He and his wife, whom he once gentlemanly punched in the face while she was driving, were recently arrested for a cornucopia of crimes:

Armed Robbery
Armed Burglary
False Imprisonment
Intimidation of Victim
ID Theft

All of these are felonies except “battery,” which is a misdemeanor. Ziminsky was also nailed with bail jumping, another felony. Now that he is facing six saucy felonies, we can go to sleep knowing the vile villain is going to the hoosegow, right?

Not so fast, amigo. The legacy street slug has a history of having his charges reduced to misdemeanors, thanks to the Marxists in the DA’s office.

Kenosha Police Lieutenant John DeMario confirmed to the Kenosha County Eye that the charges will be recommended to the pinkos in the DA’s office, but we all know that means nothing. It seems the only way to keep Ziminsky in jail would be if he defended himself against street animals. After all, Kyle Rittenhouse spent three months in the pokey after shooting three attackers, one holding a gun, in self-defense, for which he was found not guilty on all charges.

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