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Katie Daviscourt Tells Charlie Kirk That The Dutch Are Fighting ‘Global Elites And The WEF’

The Post Millennial’s Katie Daviscourt joined Charlie Kirk for a live segment on his The Charlie Kirk Show, where she reported live from a convoy protest in the Netherlands. “I’ve been on the ground in the Netherlands for the past week or so working in collaboration with Rebel News,” Daviscourt said.

“Right now, the farmers have taken an uprising against their government who’ve taken radical climate policies on their farmers… including, making farmers give up 30 percent of their land to their government, and we learned this week that they’re going to seize the land to build housing for immigrants.”

“They’re using the words ‘nitrogen space,’ saying they’ve secured ‘nitrogen space’ that will allow them to build on these farmers’ lands,” she said, explaining that this would put many farmers out of work,” Daviscourt explained.

“This is just the start of the protest and it’s just going to rise from here,” she said, adding that organizers put forward demands one week ago, giving the government one week to respond.

Kirk asked what the demographics were of those protesting, to which she responded that it was more than just farmers.

Daviscourt said that 85 percent of people support the farmers, according to recent polls, and said that she went into the city to find views opposing the farmers.

“I interviewed left-wing people… people you’d think are radical, and they all said ‘screw the government, we all support the farmers,'” saying that the Dutch have turned their flags upside down as a symbol of distress, alongside red bandanas on top of the flags to signal solidarity with the farmers.

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“I interviewed left-wing people… people you’d think are radical, and they all said ‘screw the government, we all support the farmers,'” saying that the Dutch have turned their flags upside down as a symbol of distress, alongside red bandanas on top of the flags to signal solidarity with the farmers.

“It’s the rise of the citizen, they’re really at the forefront of trying to combat the global elites and the World Economic Forum,” she said.

Story cited here.

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