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Joe Biden: ‘Wasn’t One Single Hint of a Scandal or a Lie’ in Obama Years

Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed Wednesday that there were no scandals or lies in the Obama-Biden administration.

“Know what I was most proud of?” he asked voters in Iowa. “For eight years, there wasn’t one single hint of a scandal or a lie.”

Video of his remark was captured by The Hill.

Former President Barack Obama won the “Lie of the Year” by the left-wing fact-checker PolitiFact in 2013 for saying that Americans could keep their health care plan if they liked it despite Obamacare.

Biden also failed to mention the failure to protect Americans at the consulate in Benghazi, Attorney General Eric Holder’s role in covering up the Fast and Furious scandal, or the IRS persecution of Tea Party groups. Biden also did not bring up Obama’s former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who used a private email server to conduct government business and deleted 30,000 of the emails to hide illegal behavior and questions about donations to the Clinton Foundation after she approved the sale of American Uranium to Russia companies.

Story cited here.

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