President Joe Biden was mocked on Tuesday after former President Barack Obama ignored him at a White House reception.
Upon Obama completing his speech about healthcare in which he mentioned himself 33 times, attendees encircled the jovial Obama at the reception. The former president had not visited the White House in five years.
Biden, in contrast, appeared to wander around looking for someone or for something to do. The video shows Biden staring from afar at the crowd surrounding Obama. Biden then turns away with a sour look on his face and doddered off alone.
Later during the meet and greet, Biden again tries to get Obama’s attention. With concern on his face, Biden reaches over Vice President Kamala Harris and grabs Obama’s shoulder from behind, appearing to try to turn Obama towards himself.
The video shows Biden saying something to Obama that was ignored. Instead, Obama continued speaking with the guests while Biden looked on with a frown, seemingly confused about being unnoticed as president of the United States.
The Republican National Committee’s research team tweeted the video and the caption “Literally no one wants to talk to Joe Biden.”
Literally no one wants to talk to Joe Biden
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 5, 2022
The video went viral on Twitter with people mocking the president. Tim Young tweeted that “if you want to know who’s really in charge, watch this video,” referencing Obama’s popularity and Biden standing alone.
If you want to know who's really in charge, watch this video.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) April 5, 2022
Michael Knowles tweeted, “Brutal” at Biden being ignored by attendees.
— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) April 5, 2022
Lindsay Wigo joked that the snub was similar to when “friends say they’ll ‘be right back’ at the bar” but never return.
Me when my friends say they’ll “be right back” at the bar
— Lindsay Wigo (@LindsayWigo) April 5, 2022
Joe Concha said the situation was like something out of a movie.
This is almost out of a movie.
— Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) April 5, 2022
Greg Price jested that the attendees liked Obama more and were content to allow the unpopular Biden to wander around.
When you bring your cooler brother to the office and all your co-workers like him more than you
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) April 5, 2022
Tommy Pigott tweeted that not only was “Biden completely ignored AGAIN, Biden tries to turn Obama around and Obama completely shrugs him off.”
Not only is Biden completely ignored AGAIN, Biden tries to turn Obama around and Obama completely shrugs him off
— Tommy Pigott (@TommyPigott) April 5, 2022
Paris Dennard emphasized Biden was ignored a second time after the event.
Joe Biden being ignored…AGAIN!
— PARIS (@PARISDENNARD) April 5, 2022
Steve Guest suggested that Biden was wondering why nobody was paying attention to him.
“Why isn’t anyone paying attention to me???”
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) April 6, 2022
Story cited here.