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It Gets Worse: Look Who Worked Together to Frame Donald Trump With Fake Russia Hoax

How much more frightening will this conspiracy get? Now, according to court documents reported by JusttheNews.com, we learn that The Dark Lord himself, George Soros, paid for his own investigator to work for the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee to plant the fake Trump-Russia story–and that then-Senator John McCain let him do it.

Fight the urge to roll up in a ball and watch fairy tales on Netflix. Get your fingers out of your ears. Stop with your “John McCain hated Trump” pap. We all know that. We know McCain shopped the fake pee tape dossier too.

Pay attention.

We know that the upper reaches of the U.S. government, including President Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and their FBI, were a part of the effort to Get Trump. Bruce Ohr at the Department of Justice was in on it. The intelligence community played along with “CIA director John Brennan report[ing] to President Obama that Clinton herself approved the scheme in order to deflect attention away from her use of a private email server.” Biden’s national security adviser knew and lied about it. Democrat party-connected cyber sleuths using government contracts to gain access to secret data tried to frame and plant fake news about Donald Trump being a Russian secret agent. All of these apparatchiks put their expertise and privileged government positions into the service of Hillary Clinton for President in 2016.

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They leveraged their positions to destroy Trump and change an election–and in so doing sold out America.

It was by any means necessary.

I’m beginning to wonder if the only thing Hillary didn’t do was hire hit men.

John Solomon and Lee Smith write at JusttheNews.com:

The revelation that a committee led by the Republican McCain and Democratic Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island engaged a nonprofit with significant partisan ties is certain to reverberate in Washington and further the GOP narrative that the Russia collusion allegations were more a political dirty trick than a legitimate counterintelligence concern. Mueller concluded there was no evidence Trump and Russia colluded to hijack the 2016 election.

How did it work?

George Soros personally paid for an investigator, former FBI analyst Dan Jones, to frame Trump through his political organization called The Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP).

A Soros spokesman told The Hill in 2019 that the billionaire philanthropist wrote a sizable check from his personal funds in fall 2017 to TDIP in hopes it would continue “investigation and research into foreign interference in American elections and European elections.” That spokesman said Soros later learned that Fusion and Steele, who had previously worked for the Clinton campaign, had done some work for TDIP.

They all worked together to destroy Trump by smearing him with the fake scandal.

Soros infused his TDIP group in to continue “the work started under the Clinton campaign by Fusion GPS and former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele seeking to link Trump to Russia collusion. Its tax filings show it raised $7 million in 2017 to start its work.”

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It was par for the course for Soros. Stories of Soros’s meddling in elections around the world are legion. When he’s not tanking markets or creating fake revolutions, he and his minions are opening borders, destroying reputations, and making the world safer for assisted suicide, hard drugs, and released inmates to prey upon the law abiding.

Solomon and Smith uncovered the Soros effort when the Senate committee went to court to quash a subpoena meant to get a look at the inner workings of the conspiracy by putting Senate staffer Thomas Kirk McConnell under oath. The committee fought in federal court all summer to keep out of the public domain documents and testimony about the scam.

Alfa Bank, the Russian bank accused by the Democrat-Media Complex of being a pass-through between the Kremlin and Trump, sued to get its hands on the potentially smoking gun documents. McConnell and the Democrats fought the subpoena, filed in Florida, citing sovereign immunity. The bank withdrew its subpoena this week for some reason.

The Senate committee got Jones’s services for “free” — thanks to paymaster George Soros. Jones’s job was to look into the DNS data that purported to “prove” links between Trump and Russia on behalf of the committee. PJ Media reported Thursday that those “links” were marketing emails from Trump properties and junk used to create “inferences” and a “narrative” to destroy Trump. This effort, then, was to poison the Senate committee with the fake narrative.

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That DNS data proved no such thing and was considered a “red herring” by the conspiracists conscripted to work on it for Hillary.

OK, you can roll up in your fetal position now until the next revelation about the conspiracy over Trump Russia is unearthed.

Story cited here.

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