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Ilhan Omar Calls Riots ‘Uprising over Centuries of Racial Neglect and Oppression’

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) released a video Sunday that described more than three months of riots as an “uprising over centuries of racial neglect and oppression.”

Yes, there’s so much racial oppression and neglect in America, a Muslim immigrant from Somalia can be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in a state called Minnesota.

“As we speak, we are in the midst of an ongoing uprising over centuries of racial neglect and oppression,” she said while collecting a six-figure salary from a position of enormous power and influence granted to her by a Midwestern state.

“We can’t talk about the protests in Minneapolis or Kenosha … without first looking inward,” she continued.

Then she just started lying…

“We maintain a system that binds millions to desperate poverty, a system that doesn’t provide the most basic necessities, like food, shelter, and medicines,” she added.

“Whether they are brutalized by police, by austerity economics, or by politicians who simply do not care about us, our nation is crying out desperately for change. We need to fundamentally change the way our society treats its most vulnerable because this has gone [on] long enough.”

You know what? Let’s give her some credit for calling this three-plus month terror campaign at the hands of the terrorists in Black Lives Matter and Antifa what it is — an uprising.

I prefer “terrorist uprising led by a mob of over-privileged crybabies,” but at least she’s not gaslighting us like the fake media with this nonsense about “peaceful protests.”

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Nevertheless, what we still have here is a U.S. congresswoman legitimizing three-plus months of domestic terrorism, almost all of it aimed at innocent Americans, many of them black. Elected leaders with a national platform normalizing political terrorism is unprecedented, is why every American needs to prepare before it’s too late to prepare.

And then, there’s her garbage about racial neglect and oppression.


Neglect? I don’t even know what that means. There are only two major political parties in America, and one of them is devoted to pandering to the POC. What’s more, the GOP finally has a president looking to earn the black and Hispanic vote.

Yeah, there’s so much racial oppression, white people are pretending to be racial minorities in order to make the bank that comes with all that oppression.

And then, there’s this crap: “a system that doesn’t provide the most basic necessities, like food, shelter, and medicines.”

Our system not only provides all of that on the cuff; our system provides free Internet, cable TV, iPhones, air conditioning, clothes, transportation, libraries, and education.

Unless you’re mentally ill or a hopeless addict, a homeless problem that plagues only Democrat-run cities where Democrats like Omar have full control over everything, there is no one in America who does not live better than the very rich did a mere hundred years ago.

When the biggest medical crisis among the poor is obesity, it’s time to hang up that Mission Accomplished banner and pour one out for poverty.

The only oppression in this country comes after you speak the truths, like the ones I laid out above loud.

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The only oppression comes from speaking facts like…

Global warming is a hoax.

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization.

Tucking it in don’t make you a chick.

If only Ilhan Omar appreciated America as much as her brother.

Guns are good.

I don’t watch movies or TV shows where guys kiss guys.

Hot chicks kissing hot chicks is fine.

Captain Marvel sucked.

Recycling is stupid.

Anyway, 2020 is for all the marbles.

Either this terrorism and blacklisting and lying and smearing of our country wins, or it’s rejected.

Heaven help us all if it wins.

Story cited here.

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