First Amendment

Google Financially Blacklists ZeroHedge, Threatens the Federalist over Comment Sections

By Daniel M

June 17, 2020

Earlier today, NBC reported that Google confirmed it financially blacklisted two sites known for criticism of the left: conservative commentary site the Federalist and alternative news site ZeroHedge. Following its publication, NBC amended its article to state that the Federalist has been “warned” by Google of imminent blacklisting from its Google Ads service due to “policy violations” in its comments section. ZeroHedge is also working with Google to resolve its blacklisting, which is also based on its comments section.

If the Federalist fails to remedy what Google considers to be violations in its comments section, both websites will now be unable to generate advertising revenue using Google Ads, by far the most important service for any website trying to generate digital advertising revenue. In a comment to Breitbart News, the Federalist confirmed it has not been blacklisted and is working with Google to resolve any issues. In a seperate comment, ZeroHedge also stated it is working with the tech giant.

Google took action after it was contacted by agenda-driven journalists at NBC, who presented the company with research from a leftist nonprofit, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, that smears a number of conservative websites including Breitbart News, and calls on digital advertisers to financially blacklist them.

The nonprofit falsely claims that Breitbart News promoted the Obama “birther” theory, citing as “evidence” a Breitbart story that explicitly rejects the theory. As purported evidence of Breitbart’s “hate,” the nonprofit also links to a recent piece recommending Americans buy guns and ammunition to protect themselves amid violent riots.

NBC claimed the tech giant said it had demonetized The Federalist and ZeroHedge because of “hatred.” According to a Google spokesperson, “To be clear, The Federalist is not currently demonetized. We do have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on, which includes comments on the site. This is a longstanding policy.”

“When a page or site violates our policies, we take action. In this case, we’ve removed both sites’ ability to monetize with Google,” NBC quoted a Google spokesperson as saying.