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Gohmert on Impeachment: Dems ‘Coup’ Will ‘Push This Country to a Civil War’

On the House floor Thursday, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said the way House Democrats were running the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump was “about to push this country to a civil war.”

Gohmert said, “Never in the history of this country have we had such gross unfairness that one party would put armed guards h guns to prevent the duly authorized people from being able to hear the witnesses and see them for themselves. And then, oh, we hear from this resolution today, we’re going to send you the depositions after we get through doctoring and looking at and editing the transcripts, we’ll send you those, so you have the evidence you need. That’s not the kind of evidence that a coup should be based on. If we’re going to have what they’re trying to legalize as a coup, we ought to have a right to see each of those witnesses.”

He added, “You see, they want it to be a one-sided, non-due process, sham court. It’s about to push this country to a civil war if they were to get their wishes. And if there’s one thing I don’t want to see in my lifetime, I don’t want to ever have participation in it’s a civil war. Some historian, I don’t remember who said, guns are only involved in the last phase of a civil war. What’s gone on here is not protected the Constitution. It’s not protected the institutions. It’s not protected this little experiment in self-government. What it has done is put it all at risk.”

Story cited here.

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