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Glenn Greenwald Explains Why Journalists Are Terrified To Question Paul Pelosi Narrative

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald said Sunday that there was a very simple reason that members of his chosen profession seemed unwilling to question the narrative surrounding the alleged attack on Paul Pelosi — namely the possibility that asking questions could put their careers at risk.

Greenwald laid out his theory in a Twitter thread, saying that it didn’t even matter whether or not the prevailing narrative — that the person who was arrested at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) was a far-right conspiracy theorist and election denier — was true. The point, he said, was that it couldn’t be questioned.

“It’s very possible that the instantly formed media narrative — Paul Pelosi’s attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy — will be proven true. But right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this,” Greenwald began.

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald said Sunday that there was a very simple reason that members of his chosen profession seemed unwilling to question the narrative surrounding the alleged attack on Paul Pelosi — namely the possibility that asking questions could put their careers at risk.

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Greenwald laid out his theory in a Twitter thread, saying that it didn’t even matter whether or not the prevailing narrative — that the person who was arrested at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) was a far-right conspiracy theorist and election denier — was true. The point, he said, was that it couldn’t be questioned.

“It’s very possible that the instantly formed media narrative — Paul Pelosi’s attacker was a MAGA fanatic who broke in to murder Nancy — will be proven true. But right now there are so many glaring doubts and holes in that story that it just takes common sense to question this,” Greenwald began.

He then shared a tweet from Steve Krakauer that included just a few of the questions he thought media ought to be asking.

“Why wasn’t there signs of forced entry at Pelosi home?”
“Who was 3rd person who opened door for police?”
“Why was Pelosi holding hammer and attack only happened after police arrived?”
“Where is bodycam/security footage?”
“Why isn’t the press asking these questions?”

“This happened during Russiagate,” Greenwald added, saying that he had gotten a number of messages from journalists who worked for larger media corporations — and they had expressed their thanks that he was willing to question the narrative because they couldn’t do it.

“One Twitter mob against them for questioning Dem narrative (see @DashaBurns or @BoKnowNews) can be career-ending,” he said.

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Greenwald said that he believed many journalists saw the “glaring questions and evidentiary holes” in the story that had been pushed so far regarding Pelosi, but especially in the last days before the midterm election, the narrative was even more important than usual. “Why stick their heads up, provoke a liberal Twitter mob, and be branded?” he asked. “That’s the climate.”

“Police investigating the Paul Pelosi attack continue to state they *do not know the motive.* Yet liberal “thought leaders” like @HillaryClinton and @jimmykimmel have decreed that not only is the motive known to them, but only insane or malicious people would question them,” Greenwald continued.

Greenwald went on to say that he wasn’t ready to ascribe any motives because he didn’t feel that he’d seen enough evidence to do so, adding, “The preferred narrative may end up right but most of it is based on massaged-by-CNN anonymous claims.”

He then listed the questions he’d like to see answered before claiming he understood exactly what went down in the Pelosi’s home:

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“How someone broke into the home of one of the richest and most powerful families without setting off an alarm?”
“How Paul Pelosi could call 9/11 in the middle of this?”
“Who is the ‘unknown’ person who opened the door for the police?”
“Where is the video?”

Story cited here.

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