
Elizabeth Warren Overtakes Joe Biden in Real Clear Politics Average

By Daniel M

October 09, 2019

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has surpassed Joe Biden (D) in the current Real Clear Politics average, marking the first time Biden has lost his lead since announcing his presidential bid.

The current Real Clear Politics average shows Warren narrowly edging out Biden with 26.6 percent support to Biden’s 26.4 percent support. The change follows weeks of Warren slowly gaining on Biden in both national and early primary state polls. Both candidates hold a double-digit lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who is currently averaging 14.6 percent.

The RCP average also reflects Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) continued fall, showing Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) taking her formerly held fourth place position with 5.6 percent support to the California senator’s 4.4 percent.

The average shows Andrew Yang (D) in sixth place with 2.8 percent support, followed by Beto O’Rourke (D) with two percent support. The remaining candidates are averaging less than two percent:

For the first time ever, Warren leads Biden in the overall RCP polling average

— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) October 8, 2019