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Donald Trump May Soon Be Kicked Out of the Home He Loves

Former President Donald Trump’s enemies are not confined to the establishment media or Washington, D.C., elites — now it’s his own neighbors who are fighting against him.

Palm Beach, Florida, officials confirmed Monday that they are reviewing whether Trump can continue living at his Mar-a-Lago golf resort after neighbors initiated legal action to have him evicted in December, Fox News reported.

“Our town attorney, John Randolph, is reviewing the Declaration of Use Agreement and our Code of Ordinances to determine if former President Trump can live at Mar-a-Lago,” Kirk Blouin, town manager, told the news outlet in a statement.

In November 2019, Trump left Manhattan for good, citing high taxes and mistreatment by some in New York government, and made the resort his permanent primary residence.

Questions about the legality of that move go back more than two decades when, in 1993, Trump converted the former private residence built by food magnate Marjorie Merriweather Post and her husband into the exclusive golf resort and social club destination it is today.

At the time, he signed an agreement forbidding any guest from staying more than 21 days per year or more than one week at a time — a provision that The Washington Post reported Trump violated several times during his presidency, spending 130 days in 30 visits to his winter White House.

Neighbors sent word Dec. 15 to the former president, with one of their attorneys stating in a letter that Trump could “avoid an embarrassing situation” by complying before he would be evicted.

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Trump is also bound to another agreement that would mean he’d “forever” forfeit his rights to the club to the nonprofit National Trust for Historic Preservation if he were to use Mar-a-Lago for “any purpose other than club use.”

Although this is a typical back-and-forth between a municipality, a wealthy business owner and disgruntled neighbors, the left eagerly cheered on the people of Palm Beach to evict one of the city’s most famous residents.

“The town of #PalmBeach is legally reviewing Don’s use of Mar-A-Lago as his permanent residence,” actress, singer and Trump archenemy Bette Midler tweeted Friday.

“I hope they hurry. It would be really fun to see him get kicked out of two houses in the same month,” the “Beaches” star wrote.

Other regular folks followed Midler’s lead and piled onto Trump, relishing the idea that the former president could face eviction.

Trump is a man of means and will land on his feet whatever the Palm Beach officials ultimately decide.

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However, it’s unclear whether the left’s incurable, untreatable and persistent mental illness, Trump Derangement Syndrome — a malady that has gripped roughly half of the country since November 2016 — will subside any time soon.

It isn’t enough that Trump was voted out of office and silenced from social media and is still defending himself against a second impeachment even after he’s left office.

They want to annihilate the former president using every avenue they can, including getting him evicted from his home on a technicality that other wealthy business owners would likely get away with.

Maybe Palm Beach is right to make sure his original agreement is enforced, but judging from the previous four years of venom and vitriol spewed at and about Trump and his family on a daily basis, it’s reasonable to conclude this is more than a real estate or tax issue.

Trump is facing persecution through every government body, every place and every institution overrun with leftists.

The most frightening aspect of all of these actions is realizing that if they can treat a former president like this, what will they do to his supporters if they ever get the chance?

Story cited here.

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