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DNC Clearance Sale: Act Now, and You Can Get a Selfie With Kamala at 65% Off!

Prices are going up faster than Old Joe Biden’s poll numbers are nosediving, and in the court of public opinion, the pretend-president-in-waiting appears to be faring no better than her putative boss: the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has just slashed the fee to take a selfie with the vice president of our democracy from $15,000 to $5,000. That’s over a 65% cut, and it’s decidedly a bear market: the way things are going, by the time this administration finally leaves office, you’ll be able to get a selfie with Kamala Harris for the low low price of only $9.95, and that’s in inflationary Biden Bucks.

Tara Palmeri of Puck News tweeted Tuesday, “DNC is slashing prices for a photo w/ Kamala Harris. Tickets for a photo with the VP at the Women’s Leadership Forum started at $15,000, but it failed to sell enough tickets & is being postponed. VP’s June fundraiser in Cali is charging $5,000 for a photo.”

$5,000 to stand for ten seconds with The Cackler is still wildly overpriced, but it nevertheless betrays how low this administration has fallen. CNN propagandist and bon vivant Anderson Cooper, by contrast, commands at least $100,000 for a speech. So do Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts and The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah. Will Smith will charge you the same amount to come slap you across the face.

Former State Department adviser Aaron David Miller is much less well known than any of those people, and much less pricey. You can get him for just $10,000 to $20,000. Remember Yakov Smirnoff, the “What a country” comedian? He hasn’t been in the public eye for years but still commands between $30,000 and $50,000. Even Obama’s disastrous foreign policy wonk Ben Rhodes can be had for no less than $10,000 to $20,000.

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To be sure, these rates are for full speeches, not just for selfies, but all this is still a telling indication of how lightly the vice president of the United States is regarded. If the Women’s Leadership Forum attendees wouldn’t pony up $15,000 for a selfie with Kamala Harris, how likely is it that they would have paid even more for a full speech?

Now that we are having a Kamala Harris Clearance Sale, the Women’s Leadership Forum could get her for a mere one-twentieth of what it would take for them to land Anderson Cooper or Robin Roberts. Harris and a failed vice president to be named later can get you Ben Rhodes. And if you can’t afford Yakov Smirnoff, you can settle for the vice president of the United States. Maybe by next week, the DNC will throw in a set of steak knives or a potato peeler if you’ll please, please book Harris to speak or pose for a few selfies.

All this comes amid record disapproval of the dumpster fire in Washington that is known as the Biden administration. Interactive Polls noted Tuesday that Old Joe Biden’s net approval rating has hit an “ALL TIME LOW in 538 average of polls –almost 6 points lower than Trump’s at this point in office: 39.5% approve, 54.6% disapprove.” Nothing is certain these days, of course, particularly with Biden’s “second pandemic” apparently being prepared for release just in time to bring back the ballot drop boxes for the midterms. But the deep unpopularity of both Biden and Harris is unspinnable, and bodes ill for the Democrats in November — which may be why that second pandemic is now looming.

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On July 5, 2020, Old Joe Biden’s Twitter wonk promised, “We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it.” His transformation is now well underway, and Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with his toxic brew of socialist, internationalist, America-last policies. Gas prices continue to spiral out of control, along with the prices of virtually everything else, and Old Joe and Kamala and their handlers continue to implement a frankly malevolent agenda that is doing immense and possibly irreparable damage to the nation. It’s no surprise that even Democrats have little or no patience for glad-handing events at which constituents pretend that Harris is some kind of celebrity with whom they should be proud and enthusiastic to stand for a photo. The house is on fire, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are holding the matches. If they want photos with Americans, they’re the ones who should be paying for the privilege.

Story cited here.

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