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Cory Booker: Trump Won Michigan Because Russians Suppressed Black Voters

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) claimed during Wednesday evening’s Democrat presidential debate that part of the reason President Donald Trump won Michigan in the 2016 election was due to Russia suppressing the votes of black Americans.

“We lost the state of Michigan because everybody from Republicans to Russians were targeting the suppression of African American voters,” said Booker. “If the African American vote had been like it was four years earlier, we would have won Michigan.”

President Trump won Michigan by a margin of 0.23%, with 47.50% of the votes over the 47.27% of then-Democrat White House nominee Hillary Clinton. Political observers attribute the president winning the state to his support from white working-class voters, a group for normally votes Democrats.

Booker made similar comments about Russia’s so-called suppression of African-American votes before the Urban League Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, last Friday, saying instead of President Trump addressing the Kremlin’s actions, the president has treated Russian President Vladimir Putin as a “pal.”

A Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russian interference efforts states the panel’s own two-year investigation could not find evidence that any votes were changed by Russian hackers.

Of Russian interference, it was actually far-left Hollywood director Michael Moore who participated in a November 2016 rally against then-President-elect Donald Trump that was allegedly organized by Russia in an attempt to sow division in the United States.

The Fahrenheit 9/11 moviemaker joined protesters outside Trump Tower in New York City to participate in the “Trump is NOT my president” rally, which then former special counsel Robert Mueller revealed was one of several events designed to stir unrest in America in the country.

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Story cited here.

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