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Concerned Parents Are ‘Immediate Threat’ Says National School Boards Association President—Some Are Even Domestic Terrorists!

It’s completely understandable that many parents around the country are fed up. They’re fed up with not only the onerous and arbitrary pandemic-related safety measures but also the racist and radical left-wing ideologies being forced upon kids in our taxpayer-funded schools. America’s parents are concerned and pushing back.

What’s not so understandable (unless you’re a leftist) is the reaction to the pushback by those in the top echelons of our educational system. Case in point, on Thursday, National School Board Association (NSBA) president Viola Garcia sent out a hysterical—yet revealing—letter not to school board members or parents, but to the president of the United States, Joe Biden.

After fawning all over Biden’s “leadership to end the proliferation of COVID-19,” Garcia proceeds to ask “for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation.” The letter cites several articles describing hostile behavior at school board meetings and other events as evidence of an “immediate threat.” And who does Garcia and the NSBA say is perpetrating this nationwide “immediate threat”? Why America’s concerned right-wing parents, of course.

It’s revealing this letter was sent to Biden and not local school boards or local law enforcement. Why would Garcia feel so entitled to contact the president? Could it be she believes Biden owes the left something after supporting his basement-dwelling campaign? Does Biden owe the teachers’ unions and other numerous educational associations something? Is it payback time?

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Tellingly, Garcia writes that “attacks against school board members and educators for approving policies for masks to protect the health and safety of students and school employees” are also “because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula.” She deceptively claims that “critical race theory is not taught in public schools and remains a complex law school and graduate school subject well beyond the scope of a K-12 class.” Tuned-in parents know CRT is taught in public schools but that it has simply been renamed “ethnic studies.” Just ask the teachers’ union.

Like a good little leftist, Garcia throws in the obligatory placation for free speech. “Local school board members want to hear from their communities on important issues,” claims Garcia. “However, there also must be safeguards in place to protect public schools and dedicated education leaders as they do their jobs.” However, also like the left, everything she writes afterward negates that placation. You see, free speech is all well and good until parents don’t agree with the job the school board is doing; then it’s time to sic the feds on them for speaking up while labeling that speech “threats” and “violence.”

“Now, we ask that the federal government investigate, intercept, and prevent the current threats and acts of violence against our public school officials,” writes Garcia, “through existing statutes, executive authority, interagency and intergovernmental task forces, and other extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of our children and educators, to protect interstate commerce, and to preserve public school infrastructure and campuses.” Calling for the federal government to use vague “other extraordinary measures” to “investigate” parents sounds pretty intimidating and threatening to me, Ms. Garcia.

Not only does Garcia, blame parents for “threats and intimidations” instead of her own failed leftist school boards, but she also raises the crazy bar to high by equating upset parents’ attempts to speak at school board meetings as “equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” She even calls for numerous federal law enforcement agencies to target those parents.

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“NSBA specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center regarding the level of risk to public school children, educators, board members, and facilities/campuses,” Garcia writes. “We also request the assistance of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service to intervene against threatening letters and cyberbullying attacks that have been transmitted to students, school board members, district administrators, and other educators.”

Instead of writing a letter to villanize taxpaying parents who don’t agree with leftist policies of leftist school boards, Garcia should wake up and realize that she and her leftist cronies have poked the wrong bear.

I have news for the left: Engaged and concerned parents speaking at a school board meeting are not “domestic terrorists.” Our children do not belong to you. We see you and we see what you are trying to do. The pushback will continue no matter how many letters you write.

Story cited here.

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