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CNN’s Cuomo: Trump Sold People on a ‘Brown Menace’ — He Manufactured a Crisis

Friday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” host Chris Cuomo accused President Donald Trump of selling people “on a brown menace.”

Cuomo played a clip of Vice President Mike Pence discussing the conditions at the border facilities.

Pence said, “Remember, it was just a few short weeks ago that Congress finally acknowledged the crisis and gave us an additional 4. $6 billion in humanitarian aid. We’re going to continue to improve. We’re going to continue to provide care at the standard the American people expect. But remember for the last six months, Democrats in Congress said it was a manufactured crisis. And it was all we could do to finally get the Democrats in Congress to agree to give us additional funding to deal with this crisis.”

Cuomo said, “Listen, I got to be honest about something with you, okay? I have respect for Mike Pence. I’ve dealt with him in the past. I believe he takes his faith very seriously. I cannot believe as someone who holds themselves out to a Christian, that he would say that, knowing you’re going to hear it. That this is the first time this has been recognized and everybody was saying was a manufactured crisis. He knows damn well that this president sold people on a brown menace. That when we looked at those migrant caravans, he would say “Oh they are all military age, they are MS-13, drugs, terrorists and some I assume are good people,’ that’s the, quote. He never talked to you about kids and families. Look at what we’re allowing them in our country, and everybody is lying to you.”

He added, “The president knew it, the White House knew it, Mike Pence knew it. So it was a manufactured crisis because you were trying to sell people your fence when you knew your fence was a farce.”

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Story cited here.

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