21 Savage is a rapper who on Sunday was arrested by immigration and customs enforcement over his immigration status but we are told the rapper believes its a...
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Soak the rich? Well that is the question that America is currently dealing with. Some politicians are proposing 70% tax on money over 10 million while others...
The Patriots defeated the Los Angeles Rams last night in the Superbowl 13-3. This was the lowest scoring Superbowl of all time and also Tom Brady’s sixth...
Today the big game kicks off and two pro Trump team owners will be squaring off. Stan Kroenke’s Rams will be 2 1/2 point underdogs against Bob...
The Bureau of labor statistics published a report on on January job growth. Economists jaws where agape when the report was released. Despite the longest...
Elizabeth Warren actually failed a DNA test. Just let that sink in for a moment. A white woman lied about her ethnicity to gain career advancement at one of...
A Meteor hit western Cuba Friday afternoon. It seems as though the Meteorite hit the town of Pinar Del Rio. To watch a short video watch here. To read more...
To say its been a bad week for (D) Governor of Virginia would be a understatement. He supported a bill which would allow infanticide. Than less than a week...
A bill was introduced on Monday that would slash taxes on marijuana and help the industry compete with the black market. California tax revenue is over 100...
President Donald Trump criticized new VA law that would allow women to terminate the pregnancy up to the moment of birth. Trump called the law...