There is no significant evidence that President Trump’s campaign rallies have been “superspreaders” of Covid-19, a Daily Caller analysis of publicly available...
Category - News
ABC is keeping silent amid growing criticism of its town hall with Joe Biden after two of the attendees who asked the Democratic nominee questions were...
Supreme Court To Review Trump Bid To Exclude Undocumented Immigrants From Congressional Seat Formula
The Supreme Court announced Friday it will review President Trump’s effort to exclude undocumented immigrants from the official tally used to distribute U.S...
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) stated that he would support amending the...
Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden refused to explicitly respond to the bombshell emails obtained by the New York Post, alleging a direct link between the...
Former President Obama will stump for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Philadelphia on Wednesday, Democratic sources familiar with the plans tell...
A parent shouting Allahu Akbar and thought to be wearing an explosive vest has been shot dead by French police near Paris after allegedly beheading a school...
Friday marks a full year since Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and President Trump last spoke to each other. The anniversary of sorts underscores the historic...
Former Vice President Joe Biden said during a town hall hosted by ABC News on Thursday night that eight-year-olds should be allowed to decide that they are...
The second presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democrat nominee Joe Biden will now be a virtual contest and not in person, it was announced...