Pornhub is purging millions of unverified videos as the pornography website faces increased scrutiny over allegations that it allows sexual exploitation. Both...
Category - News
Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s opposition to Amazon building a headquarters in Queens in early 2019 is coming back to bite her. A New York...
President-elect Joe Biden delivered an angry, partisan speech Monday evening upon being voted the winner of the 2020 election by the Electoral College. Biden...
As Canadians look to Ottawa to repair an economy ravaged by COVID-19, there’s a growing focus on our savings accounts as a source of potent fiscal stimulus...
Every person arrested at the growing Red House Autonomous Zone (RHAZ) in Portland had their charges immediately dropped by the progressive district attorney...
Shortly after the November election, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a one-time rival of Joe Biden in the bid for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination...
At the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell fired criticism at Fox News, saying they were...
It’s fun to fight for the “equity” of socialism — until you have to live out socialist principles in your own life. Prominent rapper Cardi B learned that...
The Electoral College vote on Monday will mark one of the final milestones in a fraught election year that raised concerns about the underpinnings of American...
Radical leftists erected warzone-syle barricades to block Portland, Oregon, police from enforcing an eviction order on the occupants of what is known as “the...