China’s economy showed more signs of strain Monday as the country published weak data for industrial output, investment and retail sales, amid a lingering...
Category - Finance
More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data...
Sorry leftists, your dream for the United States economy to tank and thousands of families to suffer simply so that President Donald J. Trump will lose re...
ThinkProgress, a top progressive website operated by the liberal think tank, Center for American Progress, is shutting down on Friday after a 15-year run. The...
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board (WSJ) recently suggested that the Obama administration pulled off “the biggest accounting fraud in history” with...
Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria. It’s about to lose $400M more to Trump’s border wall.
The Pentagon is taking money from 127 projects in 23 states and three territories to build Trump’s long-promised wall along the southern border...
Young Americans got an eye-popping 7.6 pay increase from late 2017 to late 2018, according to a survey of 2,000 Americans by the D.C.-based Conference...
A Swedish municipality that took in one of the highest numbers of asylum seekers per population faces a crisis as natives move out and decimate the local tax...
Just desserts… A lesbian-owned vegan cafe in Melbourne, Australia that charged an 18 percent “man tax” went out of business after only being in business for...
The New York Post reported Tuesday on a high-profile divorce. To be specific, a woman has claimed in court papers that her husband has been cheating on her...