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Biden tells supporters: ‘Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids’

Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic front-runner, told his supporters in Iowa that “poor kids” were just as clever and able as “white kids.”

Speaking at a town hall for the Asian & Latino Coalition PAC in Iowa, the former vice president said, “The other thing we should do is we should challenge these students. We should challenge students in these schools that have advanced placement classes in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor you cannot do it.”

“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids — ” Biden said, to some scattered applause, before correcting himself, “ — wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids.”

Earlier Thursday, he made another fumble while speaking at the Iowa State Fair, saying: “We choose truth over facts.” Last week, Biden used the nonexistent word “expodentially” when speaking to reporters.

In his second presidential primary debate, Biden made a number of slip-ups over statistics, phrases, and titles. He incorrectly warned that “ eight more years of Trump” would fundamentally change the country, even though Trump is constitutionally limited to four more years after his term expires. His request that viewers to “go to Joe 30..330” – he appeared to mix up texting and going to a website – went viral.

It was in Iowa in 1987 when Biden sealed his own fate in the first of his three presidential runs by lifting phrases from a speech by British opposition leader Neil Kinnock without attribution. Weeks later, he dropped out amid mounting claims of plagiarism and exaggeration.

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His second presidential run was in 2008, when he dropped out after receiving 0.9% of the vote in the Iowa caucuses, finishing fifth behind Barack Obama, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Richardson.

Source: Biden tells supporters: ‘Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids’

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